What to do when it rains in Portland

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Now that the weather is changing and most of us are thinking twice before heading out in shorts and sandals, it’s time to turn our attention to indoor entertainment in Portland.

Exterior of Cinetopia Theater, Portland, OregonOne of the guaranteed, no-brainer, sure-fire fun things to do in Portland is seeing a movie in one of the deluxe Cinetopia movie parlor theaters in Beaverton.

Cinetopia’s 21-and-over movie parlors feature plush couches and chairs, individual tables and foot rests, gleaming wood paneling and artful dividers that make you feel as if you’re immersed in your own private movie experience.

If you’ve ever been on Disneyland’s Haunted Mansion ride, you’ll also notice something that may seem vaguely familiar to you — moving wall art. (Remember those creepy paintings that changed as you moved passed them?) Best place to watch a movie in Portland is Cinetopia's movie parlor theater shown here.

These “Motion Posters” give you an animated glimpse of a scene you’re about to see. For example, when I saw the “Conjuring,” the framed art showed a terrifying scene of a young girl being lured by a not-so-decent entity.

Movie Parlor, Cinetopia Progress Ridge, Beaverton ORWhat cranks up the enjoyment factor even more is the in-theater restaurant service, where a waiter comes in and takes your order for a Ceasar Salad… Fish and Chips… a Passionate Mango Cheesecake… a cappuccino — or simply a nice pour of Opus One 2009 Cabernet. (And yes, there’s also popcorn and coke for movie purists.)

Now it’s time to sit back and become one with the digital Super HD screening and Dolby Digital 7.1 surround sound, while tucking into a savory dish. That’s one way to enjoy a day or night in Portland, no matter what the sky is doing.

When your film is over and the subtle mood lighting comes back on, you may not be ready to face reality just yet. And you don’t really have too — you can extend the mood a little longer in Cinetopia’s beautiful Vinotopia restaurant. Exterior of Cinetopia, Progress Ridge, Beaverton, Oregon

Here you can analyze the movie to your heart’s content, while sitting by the toasty fireplace, listening to the sound of live jazz piano and sharing a “Tower of Chocolate” with a friend. Not too bad a way to say goodbye to your shorts and sandals for a while!

Hot Tip: Groupon.com often offers a special deal where you can get two tickets to any Cinetopia theater (including the Movie Parlor theaters) plus a drink for under $20.